🌸Frequent Ask Questions🌸

•Which software do you use for digital art?
When I started drawing, I used Paint Tool Sai, but never have the money to repair or buy new laptops so currently, I use an app on my phone called IbisPaint X It's limited to image size but it's free and such a great app! ^w^
•Do you accept requests?
I only do this for close friends cause so many people ask me for one. I don't want to add to much work on my plate and I can't always give free art for everyone sadly. I'm sorry and I hope you can understand.
•What about Art Trade?
Only if I can :) As of now, no I can't. But understand I'm not gonna go over board with the drawing, I will only do simple stuff and only do a certain amount of characters.
•Are your Commissions open?
As of now, no sadly :( Just click on the Commission button on top for my prices, all the info on it! Send me a message on Instagram or use the >Here< to contact me about commissions.
•Can you draw something for me?
I'm sorry I can not. Like requests I don't want to add to much work on my plate and I can't always give free art for everyone sadly. I'm sorry and I hope you can understand.
•Do you use references when you draw?
Yes I do! I use reference from anything when i'm having a hard time drawing certain poses, hands, feet and background.
•Can I draw your OC?
Of course! ^w^/ That's so nice of you! But please make sure you credit me and tag me!
•Are you on any other websites?
Yes I am! Just click the home button on top and you'll find the icons to find me on other sites! :D